Sweet Wear

Sweet Wear

Sweet Wear


January 28, 2018

O. here!

After a long awaited holiday break, SPIF and the bois are back in action (feel like we keep saying that, huh?)/ New Year, New Us and we promise (pinky swear it) we'll be posting updates more actively and keeping you informed.

In the past few weeks we've been recouping from our travels continental, the holiday blitz of both work and individual private lives, and securing both product and promotional wares for our new Donut line and ________ wear (that we debuted at G5; this post updated for Frostbite).  

Our gallery page can be found here, in it I have taken snippets of an interview I conducted with A. on the nature of his creative process when approaching the donut design. While we had intention to release this interview in transcript form, and even higher hopes of perhaps audio, we are instead releasing a more curated gallery with the relevant info cherry picked alongside some choice pics. . We will be sitting down to discuss the inspiration and approach towards the _______ wear line of clothing, and aim to better tailor the release of our future releases; but I digress. We are happy to have you here reading these words and watching from the sidelines as we learn the nuances of the apparel game.

You make it all worth while.


Next Tuesday we head off towards G5. We leave in the dead of night and drive 20 hours west (the first ten are just Texas!) and hope to see, smash, and mingle with you NorCal peeps once again.

Maybe we'll make this some kind of travelogue. 
We'll see.


Sleep tight Spif City. 
We'll see you soon.

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